What’s the key ingredient to a successful marriage?

During the early stage of our married life, this is one thing for sure we asked ourselves. We all want a successful marriage, don’t we? We do not want to be one of those friends or relatives we know who had failed marriage and ended up searching and looking for another partner in life.

Being married for over 12 years now does not exempt me from asking this question still. There is always a thin line between security and commitment. Are you sure you are on the same page? Are you both sharing the same goal? I am not an expert and I do not have a perfect life but if someone will ask me this question, I will gladly answer it with the word “contentment”.

But when do we say we are contented? How does one not ask for more than what they have? How can one not compare their life to others?

There’s one tip that I can give you. If you see yourself being sad about what’s happening with your married life and how your partner is treating you, look for the positive traits that he or she has. And compare your situation to other couples but on a reverse method. Count your blessings and look at how lucky you could be with the one that you gave yourself into. Be thankful for all the countless blessings that God is giving you and see all the beauty in life that others may not have.

That’s all for tonight. I wish I was able to give you some thoughts to ponder on.

Have a good one everyone! Cheers!